Farah’s Stories — palestine RSS

The Lady With No Face

As I became older, Salaam Ajami’s store faded from my memory.. and the shopping avenue we lived on in Tyre became larger and more modern, we started going to more expanded shops that were not a tiny corner like Salaam’s but also had fine quality clothing and the kindest people like the Hachem’s (Em Hassan and Abo Hassan)… now that I think about it, all the memorable shop owners had one thing in common; extreme generosity and kindness.

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A Nightmare That Lasted Over 10 Years

Deep within the corners of Farah's mind, an unwavering nightmare loomed, haunting experiences of her past. Living under a suffocating occupation scarred her, leaving deep-rooted PTSD. On random nights, the nightmare would revisit, pulling her back into the harrowing memories, an unending cycle of torment. But Farah, resilient and determined, confronted the nightmare. She wrestled with the lingering nightmare, gradually loosening its grip. Emerging stronger, she channeled her pain into advocacy, standing for peace and illuminating the enduring wounds of injustice. Farah's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a path from the clutches of a nightmare to the liberating embrace of freedom.

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