Meet Maraseel's Founder & Creative Director


Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if my uncle Nasri did not call me “Farah”?



Farah; Arabic for joy, is a name that has influenced my journey and choices in life. I have always been a very light, transparent, and bubbly person. I enjoy the simple things and appreciate life in slow motion. This has all worked out until I became a mom of a beautiful girl called Julia. Then speed took its  full force when I had my twin blessings: Angelina and Catalina. 



I start with them because if you were to learn anything about me, I am first and foremost, in the beginning and the end: a mother. No title, accomplishment, memory, experience, or possession; even being a daughter to the most beautiful parents would ever top this honor: being Julia, Angelina, and Catalina`s mother.



I have always loved Science and specifically the natural world. I have asked questions constantly and looked for answers repeatedly… I wondered about all the whys and the what ifs... and I still do… To make my point clear, as a kid my favorite hobby was to watch Discovery Channel! Seriously- 



At 22 I became a Biology teacher and lived the dream of sharing my love for Science with children in my community. Throughout my journey as a teacher, I have met the most amazing human beings on earth. Some of them are still my students, and others became my friends. I love them dearly and remember all the smiles, sarcasm, and deep thinking we shared in class. 



Three years later I married the father of my three girls and the love of my life who I still collect precious memories with everyday. We have our great and - could have been better - days just like every other human couple, and we wouldn’t have asked for it to be in any other way. 



After years of teaching and community service, I had my twin girls who required that “mama” now stays home and gives them what no one can: love, laughter, and lots of patience! 



For someone who is used to being mentally active, multitasking, and working under pressure, it was really hard to stay home and not have an outlet. 



Hence, Maraseel was born!



What started as a side hustle on March 10 of 2021 is now a top greeting card business in the City of Dearborn, distributed with multiple resellers, and is transitioning into a phenomenon in less than four months! Yet this is only the beginning…



Because Maraseel is just like me, simple, sincere, and spreads joy…and it is the legacy I will leave for my three beautiful girls, a message full of hope, connecting with others, and spreading kindness in the world.


See you again soon….

1 comment

  • Ahmad Bazzi

    Best to ever do it! Highly recommended!

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