Maraseel’s Origin: How My Family’s Journey to the US Inspired Our Mission

From Lebanon to Maraseel: A Journey Rooted in Dreams and Determination

In 2005, I left Lebanon with a heavy heart. It wasn’t an easy decision; the pull of home, the warmth of familiar faces, and the life I knew made it difficult. But I knew I had to take that step if I wanted to build my dreams and fulfill the ambitions that burned within me. The path ahead was uncertain, and I had no idea where it would lead, but I was determined to move forward.

Leaving Home: A Bittersweet Goodbye

Leaving Lebanon wasn’t just about stepping onto a plane; it was about leaving behind a piece of myself. The scent of my mother’s cooking, the echo of lively conversations with friends and neighbors who felt like family, and the comfort of knowing I belonged—all of that stayed behind as I set out for something new.

When I arrived in the United States, my grandparents' home became my refuge. Although they had lived in the US for years, their house felt like a little slice of Lebanon. The aromas of home-cooked meals, the laughter that filled the rooms, and the warmth of their embrace gave me the strength I needed to navigate this new chapter. Their home wasn’t just a place to stay; it was a reminder that no matter how far I traveled, I carried a piece of home with me.

Navigating a New World: The Challenge of Separation

As I dove into my studies and the demands of a new life, the distance from my family became more than just miles—it became a daily reality. The weight of balancing my ambitions with the ache of being away from loved ones was a constant struggle. Every phone call home, every brief visit, was a mix of joy and sadness. My parents’ voices on the other end of the line were filled with pride, but also with the unspoken longing that comes with separation.

This period was challenging, but it was also a time of immense growth. It taught me the resilience needed to chase dreams, even when the path is lonely. It pushed me to build a life that would make all the sacrifices worth it. This journey of balancing the old with the new, the familiar with the foreign, eventually led to the creation of Maraseel.

The Birth of Maraseel: A Reflection of My Journey

Maraseel was born out of my desire to create something beautiful that would honor my journey and the culture I hold dear. It’s more than just a luxury stationery brand—it’s a reflection of the values and experiences that have shaped me. Every card, every invitation, carries a piece of that journey.

When you hold a Maraseel card, you’re not just holding a piece of paper. You’re holding the essence of what it means to cherish tradition while embracing the new. The rich textures, the intricate designs, and the delicate gold foiling are all chosen with care, a nod to the heritage I’m proud of and the new life I’ve built.

Maraseel is about more than just aesthetics; it’s about connection. It’s about the joy of sharing your thoughts with someone you care about, the beauty of tradition, and the elegance of thoughtful design. It’s a brand that bridges the gap between where we come from and where we are now.

Your Journey: A Call to Share and Connect

We all have stories of where we’ve come from and the paths we’ve taken. Our journeys may be different, but they are connected by the common threads of dreams, sacrifices, and the pursuit of something greater. I invite you to share your story with me. How has your family’s journey shaped your life? What challenges have you overcome, and what joys have you found along the way?

In sharing our stories, we not only honor our individual paths but also celebrate the strength and beauty that come from them. Together, we can add to the rich collection of experiences that reflect the richness of our lives.

Moving Forward: Embracing the Seasons of Change

As we step into the fall season, there’s a bittersweetness in saying goodbye to summer. It’s a time of reflection, a moment to pause and look back at how far we’ve come. For me, this season is a reminder of the journey that brought me here, and the importance of embracing change while holding onto the things that matter most.

At Maraseel, we’re here to help you celebrate those moments. Whether it’s through a heartfelt card or a beautifully crafted invitation, we want to help you connect with the people you love and share your story. Our products are more than just stationery—they’re a way to express the emotions that words alone can’t capture.

As you prepare for the next chapter in your life, whether it’s a wedding, a special occasion, or simply a note to a friend, remember that Maraseel is here to help you make those moments even more meaningful.

Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future

At the heart of Maraseel is a deep appreciation for the journey we all take. It’s about honoring the past while looking forward to the future, about celebrating our roots while embracing new possibilities. I hope that through Maraseel, you can find a way to connect with your heritage, share your story, and create lasting memories.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. I look forward to hearing about your own experiences and continuing to create products that celebrate the beauty and richness of our shared stories.

With warmest regards,



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