When later becomes never...

How many times did you want to say something and decided to do it..later? 🕚

Many times we hold our phones to send a text message apologizing to someone that could have misunderstood us or that we know we hurt. 

We type out the whole thing then at one point decide to just delete it all or in some cases unsend. 

Why do we do that? 

It is because as human beings we are afraid of confrontation and rejection. We do not want to reach out to someone and get turned down, this could affect our self esteem. A human is engineered in a way that protects their self esteem or what we call a self fulfilling prophecy. This type of survival mechanism is put in place to increase your resilience and help you survive hardships. 

However, things do not have to be too hard?

Sometimes one act of kindness can break the ice and help shorten the distance amongst people we haven't spoken to for ages. 

Sometimes all it takes is one tiny special note that comes straight from the heart. 

You have no idea how to do that? No problem, we at Maraseel are here just for that. We are here to help you break these barriers and spread kindness in the simplest ways possible. 

When was the last time you wanted to say something and you changed your mind about it? 


كم من المرات لم يقدر لسانك على البوح عما في قلبك؟

#التواصل #معايدة #مدونة #من_القلب_للقلب

#maraseel #firstposts #communication #together #eachother #empathy #note #greetingcards #greetingcarddesign #greetingcard

* Translations are not literal but contextual

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