How Can You Ensure a Smooth Transition Back to School?

When I was a full time teacher August was a veryyyy looooong Sunday afternoon for me.

Now that I am a business owner, things have changed - a bit!

The end of summer can be a mixed bag of emotions for working moms. On one hand, there’s the relief of returning to a more predictable routine, and on the other, the waves of nostalgia for the summer days spent with our kids. The life of a working mom means balancing the joy of having more structure with the nostalgia of sunny, carefree days with the kids. While part of us craves the order that the school year brings, another part wishes we could hold onto the warmth of summer just a little longer.

As the back-to-school season approaches, it’s natural to feel conflicted.
The transition doesn’t have to be all stress and chaos, though. With a little planning and some thoughtful adjustments, you can make this time easier for both you and your children. Here are five tips to help you sail smoothly into the school year:

1. Start a Gradual Routine Adjustment

  • Begin shifting bedtime and wake-up schedules to align with the school year at least two weeks before school starts. This gradual adjustment helps your kids ease into the routine without the shock of sudden change. It also gives you time to identify any challenges and address them before the first day of school.

2. Involve Your Child in Preparations

  • Let your kids take part in the back-to-school preparations. This could be as simple as picking out school supplies, planning their lunches, or choosing their outfits for the first week. Involvement in these activities can ease their anxiety, make them feel more in control, and even build excitement about the upcoming school year.

3. Stay Organized

  • Organization is key to a stress-free transition. Use planners, calendars, or apps to keep track of school events, homework, and other commitments. By staying organized, you can manage your time more effectively, reduce last-minute stress, and ensure that both you and your children stay on top of everything without feeling overwhelmed.

4. Prioritize Self-Care

  • Don’t forget to take time for yourself during this busy period. The demands of work, family, and the back-to-school rush can easily lead to burnout. Make sure to carve out small moments of self-care, whether it’s enjoying a quiet cup of coffee in the morning, going for a walk, or indulging in a hobby. These small acts of self-care can help reduce stress and keep you grounded.

5. Embrace the New Season

  • It’s okay to feel a little sad about summer ending. Embrace the new season and the opportunities it brings. The return to routine can be a time to set new goals, establish positive habits, and create a fresh start for your family. Take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone in this transition—many other parents are feeling the same mix of emotions.

As the school year begins, remember that it’s a journey, not a race.

By preparing early, staying organized, and taking care of yourself, you can ensure that the transition is smooth and that your family starts the year on a positive note.

Let’s connect and share tips on making this time of year a little easier for everyone.


(photo credit: Ahmed Badr)


Maraseel’s Founder 

Let a dear friend, or a few, know that you're thinking of them as we enter this new school year.

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