Maraseel's April Monthly Digest
Hello April!
You're likely here to get an idea of what important holidays and events are going on this month and that's exactly why I created this digest. So, let's get to it.
The month of renewal and rebirth, April holds with it hope and growth. Hang in there as everything will get better.
Remember, April showers bring May flowers.
Speaking of growth, I'd love to share some news with you all. You can now follow my new Instagram account @teachreprenuer. This new account aims to share my journey from teacher to entrepreneur with everyone and inspire people to believe that their skills can go a long way in building a business.
Also, with the growth of Maraseel, we're currently looking to hire a part time virtual assistant. If you, or anyone you know, are interested send an email to
April 2023 Calendar
1st: April Fool's Day
2nd: Palm Sunday
7th: Good Friday
9th: Easter Sunday & First Night of Power
10th: National Siblings Day
11th: Second Night of Power
13th: Third Night of Power
15th: Husband Appreciation Day
22nd: Eid Al-Fitr & Earth Day
Other Events in April
National Poetry Month
Stress Awareness Month
The first week is Library Week
Ramadan and Eid
Check out our Ramadan cards and Packaging for this blessed month. Also, get ahead of the game and ask about our Eid Al-Fitr collection to buy your loved ones an expression of love and joy for this special celebration. Just like the Ramadan Collection, the Eid Cards will be a HIT!
Let's plan ahead if you want something customized for Eid, for your business, or wedding! Here to turn your ideas into timeless memories.
Bhebkon Ktir - Love you,