Celebrating Representation: Maraseel at The Shop in TechTown Detroit

It was a moment that caught me off guard—one I didn’t see coming, but that filled me with a surge of pride.

During Arab American Heritage Month in 2022, I stumbled upon something profoundly inspiring. Amanda Saab of @amandasplate was representing her business at The Shop in TechTown Detroit.

As a hijabi woman, seeing someone like me thriving in such an unexpected space was a revelation. It wasn’t just about her success—it was about what it meant to see a woman who shares my identity standing tall in a place where I didn’t expect to find her.

At that time, Maraseel was just beginning its journey. My hands were full with new designs, fresh ideas, and the overwhelming excitement of launching a brand that was deeply personal to me. I remember thinking about how Amanda had made such a remarkable transformation from a social worker to a MasterChef star. Her journey wasn’t just inspiring—it was a beacon of possibility.

Here was a woman who didn’t just step into a new world; she took it by storm, hosting interfaith dinners and pouring her passion into her business. It wasn’t just what she did—it was how she did it, with a grace and determination that resonated with every fiber of my being.

Fast forward three years, and I am thrilled to announce that Maraseel will be a part of The Shop this Wednesday. This opportunity may seem small to some, but to me, it represents a significant milestone. It’s not just about setting up a booth or showing off our latest designs.

It’s about standing tall, showcasing our culture, and connecting with a community that values our stories and presence. It’s about more than just showing up; it’s about making a difference, inspiring others, and embracing the journey that brought us here.

Every moment of visibility counts. In a world where representation still feels scarce, every chance we get to be seen, to be heard, is monumental. It’s not just about the business; it’s about the message that our presence sends. It’s about the young girls who will see us and think, "If she can do it, so can I." It’s about the community members who will feel a little less alone because they see a piece of themselves reflected in us. It’s about the power of showing up—not just for ourselves, but for everyone who’s watching.

Maraseel was born from a place of love, from a desire to create something that felt authentically Arab and authentically mine. As the years have passed, I’ve seen how much our community values meaningful, heartfelt gestures. We are a people who cherish connection, who find joy in the little things that often go unnoticed.

That’s why this moment—this chance to be at The Shop —feels so profound. It’s a chance to offer more than just stationery; it’s a chance to offer a piece of ourselves, our stories, and our culture.

And so, I invite you to join me this Wednesday. Stop by my booth, share your story, and let’s celebrate this achievement together. Let’s keep building a community where every story is valued and every presence is celebrated. Let’s continue to show up, to inspire, and to embrace the journey that has brought us to this moment.

Thank you for your continued support. Maraseel wouldn’t be where it is today without the love and encouragement of this incredible community. Together, we’re not just making products—we’re making history.

With all my love,


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